Fr. Jean Raydet

(1832 - 1861)

5-5-1861  at Kamptee, Fr. Jean Marie  REYDET, from Araches,  Savoy. Arrived in India  in 1857, worked  in Kamptee, went to  Narsingpur to  help to  start the  Mandlah Mission, came  back  ill. Appointed  Military  Chaplain  to replace  Fr. Larive  leaving  for England, died  one  month later.     29 years old

Fr. Michael Donaghue

(1836 - 1861)

21-5-1861 at Kamptee, Bro. Michael DONAGHUE, born atNagpur of Irish parents. Scholastic of greatpromise, died of T.B.25 years Old

Bp. Theophilus Neyret

(1802 - 1862)

5-11-1862  at Kamptee, Mgr.  Theophilus  Sebastian NEYRET, from  Giez, Savoy.  Curate  of  Cluses, Savoy. Chaplain  of  St. Joseph’s Sisters in Evian. Made  his Novitiate in 1845-46, left for India soon after his Profession with the title of Pro-Vicar Apostolic. First Vicar Apostolic of Visakh, consecrated in Madras 24-2-1849. Worked hard for the development of his vast Mission, travelling constantly in bullock carts.  60 years old                                       ...

Fr. Joseph Lavorel

(1801 - 1865)

5-12-1865 at Kamptee, Fr. Joseph Lavorel, from Cuvat,  Savoy. First msfs at Kamptee. Came to India in 1845, at the age  of  44, after pastoral work and  teaching  in Savoy. Regional Superior of  the  North  Missions. Travelled constantly  to  visit his scattered  Christians of  the  Narbada valley  and  the  Chhindwara plateau. He tried  a  Christian settlement in Mandla District.  Founder of  Thana  Farm  & orphanage, died in a bullock cart on his way to Kamptee.  64 years old

Fr. Jean Balmand

(1825 - 1879)

23-6-1879  at Kamptee, Fr. Jean Francois  BALMAND,from  St.  Nicolas-la-Chapelle, Savoy. Came  to  India as a deacon, ordained Priest in Visakh, 3 years in Yanam as a teacher 1850-53, one  year at Berhampore. Pastoral ministry  at Nagpur and  Kamptee  where he  founded  a Congregation  of  native  Sisters, the  Sisters of  the Immaculate  Conception  1854-65. Missionary  in Thana 1865-73, Jabalpur 1873-75. Military  chaplain  Kamptee 1876-79, died whilst nursing patients during an epidemic of cholera.   53 years old

Fr. Jean Benistrand

(1817 - 1881)

9-8-1934   at Thana, Fr. Thomas MARIAN, from Aurangabad, son of a soldier of the Hyderabad Contingent, followed Fr. Benistrand Studied in Kamptee and Nagpur, Priest in 1886. Visiting Missionary of the Christians of Berar & Marathwada. Founder of the Ghogargaon Mission, 1892-96, Parish Priest of Passan 1900-1908, of Hindi Congregation Nagpur 1908-14, of Thana 1914-1920. Retired at Thana. A gentle and zealous missionary. 83 years old.


(1830 - 1886)

3-4-1886  at Raipur,Fr. Joseph BUTTAY,  from  Bernex, Savoy. Came to India 1867. Parish Priest Nagpur 1872-74. For 12 years, 1874-86, itinerant missionary in Chhatisgarh, constantly  visiting on his bullock-cart his dispersed groups of Christians in Raipur, Bilaspur, Chhindwara, Seoni, Betul. 55 years old  


(1817 - 1888)

2-6-1906  at  Vizianagram, Fr. Maurice  DOMENGE, from Doussard,  Savoy. Came  to  India  as  a  deacon  in 1851, travelled from Yanam to Jalna in a bullock cart, with Bishop Neyret who  taught him  theology  on  the  way. Ordained Priest in Jalna  in 1852, he  remained  there as assistant  to Fr. Thevenet, and in 1853, he joined Fr. Lavorel as visiting missionary to scattered Christians till 1858, from Kamptee. Worked  in Surada  &  Ganjam  1858-62. Went to  Europe,  6 years in England as Assistant to Fr. Larive 1862-68. Parish Priest of  Nagpur 1872. Principal SFS Nagpur 1873-75. Parish Priest of Vizianagram from 1875, where he built the church.  Regional Superior 1892-1906, V...


(1827 - 1889)

10-7-1889 at Jabalpur Fr. Amedee DELALEX, from Marin,Savoy. Arrived in India 1851. Parish Priest Yanam 1852-57.Parish  Priest of  Jabalpur for 30  years 1859-89, built thepresbytery  and  founded  St.  Aloysius’ School. Military Chaplain. 62 years old


(1830 - 1890)


(1852 - 1891)

21-8-1891 at Nagpur,Fr. John Charles  LORD, from Visakh. Ordained Priest in Nagpur in 1886, worked  first in Visakh. Then teacher at SFS School Nagpur.  41 years old


(1834 - 1892)

8-9-1892  at Jabaipur, Mgr. Alexis RICCAZ, from St. Jean d’Arves, Maurienne. Arrived  in India 1862, worked  inVisakh,      teacher      St.      Aloysius      School,      Pioneer      atGnanapuram  1872-81, Ganivada, Kottadaba  1875-78,Vicar General 1886, Kamptee. Bishop  of  Nagpur.  1887,organized  the  new  diocese and  prepared  the  ground  for evangelizatio...