St. Francis de Sales, glorious apostle of Jesus Christ, messenger of divine love, your life was a constant witness to the perfection of charity towards God and towards all men and women. You lived solely for the love and glory of God. As a devoted child of Mary, the Mother of God, you followed Jesus our Saviour so perfectly that people saw in you the living image of Christ. Deign to accept me as your child. From henceforth be my counsellor, my friend and my brother.

(personal needs)

Dear St. Francis during your earthly life, you obtained numerous graces for the people entrusted to your care. In your kindness, obtain for me the grace of an ongoing, total conversion, humility of heart, an intense, tender love for God, and my neighbours especially towards the members of my family/community, patience with myself and a gentle conduct towards others. May I always seek and accomplish God’s will in my daily life, undertakings and activities. May I seek you alone, my God, rejoice in you alone, and labour for you alone.

(for family members and dear ones)

St. Francis de Sales, you loved deeply your parents, brother, sisters and relations. You were ready to counsel them and serve them when it was God’s will. Remember and intercede for my father ………. mother……… brother…….. sister……… for harmony and unity in the family, for the reconciliation and re-union of the broken families (other needs………..)

Protect us form every danger. Watch over us and obtain for us the grace that we may live and die the death of the just and that our end may be like yours in the grace, peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Our Father …. Hail Mary….
Let us pray:

O God who for the salvation of souls, was pleased that blessed Francis, your confessor and Bishop become all to all men. Mercifully grant that being plentifully enriched with the sweetness of your charity, by the help of his merits, we may obtain life everlasting. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.