Education Forum 2023 Onwards
Education Forum
- 1. Fr. Allan Gonsalves (Convenor)
- 2. Fr. Albin Joseph (Secretary)
- 3. Fr. Anthony Amaladoss
- 4. Fr. Nobit Kombanathottathil
- 5. Fr. Arun P
- 6. Fr. Amal R. Bandanadam
- 7. Fr. Ambrose Minj
- 8. Fr. Anil George
- 9. Fr. Ignati Kshirsagar
- 10. Fr. Bosco P
- 11. Fr. Christhu Raja
- 12. Fr. Deepak Kindo
- 13. Bro. John Parkhe
- 14. Fr. John Britto Muthuswamy
- 15. Fr. Peter Kujur
- 16. Fr. Shijumon Mangalath
- 17. Fr. Simplicho Rocha
- 18. Fr. Vishwas Torne
- 19. Fr. Jnanamani Simon
- 20. Fr. Anto Deepak
- 21. Fr. Cyprian Dungdung
- 22. Fr. Sudhir Kujur
- 23. Fr. Patras Tirkey
- 24. Fr. Saiju Vettukallel
- 25. Fr. Hilarious Tirkey
- 26. Fr. John Peter
- 27. Bro. Michael Toppo
- 28. Fr. Silbester Kullu
- 29. Fr. Vinayanand Katru
The education forum meeting of the Nagpur province was
held on the 4th and 5th of March 2024. The meeting began behind schedule due to
late arrival of the resource persons. Fr. Allan Gonsalves the councillor in
charge of education welcomed the dignitaries, and the members of the forum. We
began with the prayer service conducted by Fr. Albin. He began the prayer
service by stating that the lighting of the lamp signifies the beginning of a
journey towards enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge. The dignitaries
were called to light the ceremonial lamp. A formal welcome was accorded to the
dignitaries: Fr. Jacob Karamakuzhiyil, the General Councillor in charge of
Education; Fr. Manoj Tirkey, the provincial superior of the Nagpur province;
Fr. Allan Gonsalves, the Councillor in charge of the Education of the Nagpur
province. The dignitaries were greeted with the shawl and a sapling. The
members of the forum present for the occasion were also welcomed. After the
welcome ceremony, began the first session. The resource person for the first
session was Mr. Vikas Dodrajka from Chaibasa, Jharkhand. He is the Member of
the Jharkhand state commission for protection of child rights. He spoke mainly
on the rights of children and their welfare. He stated that the main purpose of
laws for children is to protect and help children. He began the session by
explaining the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children.
1989); which is an international agreement on children. He dealt on various
topics and explained the role of the various laws in the country for the
protection of the children. The JCWL deals with the Juvenile Conflict with the
Law. Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) decides the punishment for the offences
committed by children. He also enlightened the Forum member on SJPC, CARA Child
abuse, CWC, POCSO Act of 2012, RTE and Corporal punishment Act of 2009 and
2013. He also gave many examples and insisted that the heads of the institution
must become familiar with various Acts and Laws that govern the rights of
children. The General Councillor for Education, Fr. Jacob Karamakuzhiyil,
addressed the forum. He stressed on the point that the role of the principal
was very important in the functioning of the school. He went on further to say
that the leadership qualities and the character attitudes play an important
role in the upbringing of the school. He also emphasised on the need for the
periodic evaluation of the teachers. He also highlighted the fact, that the
primary duty of the head of the institution is to animate the teachers. During
the evening session various schools presented their reports. Most of the
schools presented their achievements and various curricular and extracurricular
activities conducted during the academic year. The second day began with the
Morning Prayer. The Eucharist was celebrated by the resource person of the day,
Fr. Suresh, former editor of the Indian Currents. The day two sessions, were
conducted by Fr. Suresh. He began the session by explaining to the gathering
“the Bolling Frog Syndrome”. He was outright in stating that the constitution
of the country gives us the right to run the institutions and head them. He
emphasises that as we occupy the chair, we need to use pastoral prudence and be
humane and holy, while administering the duty.
final session was animated by Fr. Provincial. He stressed on the implementation
of the “Call of the General Chapter” and the implementation of the Action Plan
of the Provincial Chapter 2023 and spoke about the professional evaluation of
the institutions. He brought to the notice of the forum members, about the
appropriate behaviour required in the school. The Councillor in Charge proposed
the vote of thanks.
- Fr. Allan Gonsalves